Various news

Germany’s First KT160 IDROGU.
Idrogru delivered the first crane to Germany, a 160-ton KT160.29. The crane is mounted on a Scania 4-axle 32-ton free-running commercial chassis. The KT160 was chosen by a German lifting company, Marcus Transport, because it is an economical and flexible alternative in the ‘cab crane’ class due to its higher speed on the road and […]

Article in the magazine “KRAN & BUHNE”
Italian crane manufacturer Idrogru was able to deliver a KT160 to Germany for the first time. The crane is built on a Scania 4-axle truck chassis. The total weight of the vehicle is 32 tons. The KT160.29 goes to Wuppertal-based transportation and assembly company Marcus Transport, which sees it as an economical alternative to the […]